FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions



Simply, by using the contact-us page or by emailing directly to: info@fabici.ca

Go for it! Spending a few hundred to a few thousand dollars on DIY speakers will get you performance that would otherwise cost many multiples more if you bought them commercially. In our case, we also incur a lot of extra cost to align our products with our company’s purpose (Built-to-last, creative content, small batches, local production, local sourcing, repurposed materials, etc). If you are looking for value (as in cost vs performance), then DIY kits are the way to go.

First tell us why. You may write an introduction letter and a list of your abilities and accomplishments and send it to: info@fabici.ca

We envision a model where the success of FABICI and the success of Artistic collaborators is perfectly aligned. FABICI will invest and commit materials and labour and Artists will invest their time and materials to arrive at jointly owned works. Investment and risk is shared, as is the opportunity for commercial success. If this is of interest to you, send us an email along with examples of your work or link to your portfolio/gallery, at info@fabici.ca

No, at the moment there is no physical FABICI store.

Tags: Shop, Store

FABICI designs and fabricates creatively build products of traceable provenance that will be cherished as keepsakes for generations.
These include, but are not limited to : Speakers, Cutting boards, Wooden games, Furniture and home accessories.

Tag: products

The FABICI name is the fusion of the words: “Fabriqué ici” which means “fabricated here”. To emphasize our commitment to local provenance.

Tag: Local

By enduring the test of time and creating an emotional bond with our collectors, we contribute to reducing the world’s insatiable consumerism frenzy, and in turn, the unsustainable demand burning through our planet’s resources. Where possible, we will redirect industrial waste streams into our designs. Our ISO14000 certified production facilities are powered by renewable sources and we establish annual targets to ensure measurable progress towards reducing our operational footprint; water consumption, electrical use & gas use.

FABICI is a socially conscious manufacturer driven by a desire to help solve some important global issues we view as critical problems for both current and future generations.

We believe in a future where you can see a tag or label on every product that tells you if the product and company is one that you want to support. This simple concept would empower people with the proper information to make informed decisions and vote with their wallet. Obviously, our business can not make everything, so a key factor to achieving this vision of success is having other businesses copy, expand and improve on this model. Once broader adoption is achieved, market forces will react and swing us back towards a more balanced socio-economic system that is sustainable in the long term.

The OPEN BOOK shows our costs grouped at a high level, documented and accessible to product owners along with the product’s IMPACT FACTS that highlight some key statistics that are aligned with our values and purpose. We think of this as an equivalent to the Nutritional Facts required on all food and beverage products. Whereas the Nutritional Facts tell a consumer if the food or beverage is healthy for them, the IMPACT FACTS tell a prospective buyer if the product they are considering buying supports a sustainable economy.

FABICI Products are mainly designed and built in Montreal, but also with our partners located near Toronto.

FABICI products are only available through our online shop.

Tags: Buying, products, Shop

In order of importance for our LENOIR series speakers:
1) We include creative content in our products.
2) We buy locally even when there is a large cost premium.
3) We provide living wages and great working conditions to our friends and colleagues making the products in an expensive part of the world.
4) Our small volume production runs are not well suited towards automation.
5) We have overbuilt them with the goal of extending their useable life.


We built our products to last and be repaired. Depending on the issue, you might be able to repair it yourself as we encourage and empower people to care for their products. Contact us at service@fabici.ca with your issue and the product serial number and we will process your request.

Contact us at info@fabici.ca with your issue and the product serial number and we will process your request. The shipping cost of the return will be covered by you. Once we have inspected the product and made our diagnosis, we will let you know what the oprions are.

FABICI products are built to last. Of course, they are covered under Quebec’s legal warranty laws as stipulated by the Office de la protection du consommateur, but also by FABICI. You can find the product’s warranty duration in the Impact Facts of that product. Impact Facts can often be found written on a metal plate attached to the product on the product’s boxcard/booklet provided with the purchase or by emailing info@fabici.ca.

The FABICI “Built to Last” Warranty covers the general construction of the product for its intended purpose. If by no fault of your own, it breaks in any way you can’t use it anymore within the warranty duration; we will either (in the order described) repair it, refurbish it or replace it with an equivalent working model. The warranty does not cover aesthetic damage and normal wear.


Yes, as long as the order hasn’t shipped. Once it’s out our door, it’s yours.

That will depend on a few factors, preparation time (if any), when the order was placed and mostly your shipping destination.
The Shipper (Canada Post) will give a rough estimate of the transportation time during checkout.

An order confirmation, a processing order notice and a completed order notice.
Other email notifications will be sent in the event of a cancellation, a failed order, an account reset etc.

For now, only in Canada and anywhere Canada Post delivers.

Online payment via our website only. By credit card via the secured Stripe application.

Yes, we will provide a tracking number for each order.