FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions



Simply, by using the contact-us page or by emailing directly to: info@fabici.ca


We built our products to last and be repaired. Depending on the issue, you might be able to repair it yourself as we encourage and empower people to care for their products. Contact us at service@fabici.ca with your issue and the product serial number and we will process your request.

Contact us at info@fabici.ca with your issue and the product serial number and we will process your request. The shipping cost of the return will be covered by you. Once we have inspected the product and made our diagnosis, we will let you know what the oprions are.


An order confirmation, a processing order notice and a completed order notice.
Other email notifications will be sent in the event of a cancellation, a failed order, an account reset etc.


We appreciate your help! If you see any of the above, please report it to info@fabici.ca

Tags: Email, Website