A modern-day Leonardo da Vinci, Sonu can single-handedly conceive, design and build almost anything! And if a required part doesn’t exist to solve a problem, he will invent and print it using his 3D printer that he built himself. He enjoys playing table tennis with his colleagues at lunch, and playing video games in his spare time, as well as being a talented illustrator!
If a required part doesn’t exist to solve a problem, he will invent it

Quirky Questions & Answers
Q: If you could add one thing to the Robco / FABICI office, what would it be?
A: A UV printer!
Q: What Was Your Dream Job When You Were Five?
A: To become a ship’s captain
Q: What fictional place would you most like to visit?
A: The Shire, Middle-Earth
Q: If You Could Go Anywhere In The Universe For One Day Where Would You Go?
A: To the edge of the universe, if there is. Just curious to see how it looks like.
Q: What’s your most used emoji?
A: Smile
Q: What was your first job?
A: Part time worker in a T-shirt printing factory
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