Through my career, I’ve had to promote various things: Industrial machinery, Food machinery, Valves, Home Furniture, Movie locations and even Car Crashes (Automotive Testing). So my mind is used to jump from Creative to Technical thinking, which is a perfect fit for FABICI.
Jean Melançon – Montreal
The simplest idea is usually the best one.

From the moment I could hold a pencil, I’ve been doodling, drawing, creating and eventually writing. Son of an artist painter and a foundry worker, I’m self taught in arts and computer graphics (but not in metal casting). I chose Marketing because it allows for creativity, new ideas and much more than just visuals. You see, I’m a Swiss Army Marketer. I’ll tackle managing, dealing, organizing, researching, writing, translating, presenting, designing, drafting, web, print and photo, all that without outsourcing or being outgoing.
I keep myself busy with music, photography, road tripping and family. All the time wishing I had more time to devote to each and get better.
Quirky Questions & Answers
Q – What Would You Do If You Found A Penguin in The Freezer?
A – I would say “Hey! Who put a penguin in the freezer?”
Q – If You Could Use A Time Machine to Go Back in Time to Fix One Thing or Go to The Future to See What It Is Like Which Would You Do?
A – I’d go back in time and prevent the invention of Phillips screws (crossheads).
Q – What did you want to be when you were small?
A – An actor, then an army pilot, then an astronaut, then an advertising v.p. (true), then a Rockstar, then …
Q – Toilet paper, over or under?
A – I can’t emphasize this enough. OVER. Like in Hotels.
Q – What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?
A – Pretty much everything I wore from 1986 to 1990
Q – What Movie Completely Changes Its Plot When You Change One Letter in Its Title?
A – A Nightmare on Elf Street
Q – What Song Would You Play on Repeat If You Wanted to Infuriate Someone with Music?
A – Hocus Pocus, by Focus
Q – What Is Your Least Favourite Food?
A – Anything made of animal internal organs (Heart, liver, etc. but also tongue, ears and “other parts”)
Q – What’s the first concert you ever went to?
A – Bob Dylan, which is also the time I discovered what the smell of marijuana was, as a kid
Q – If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be?
A – That’s easy, my friends and family already call me “Jackal”.
Q – What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?
A – Phillips Screws