I’m a french Canadian, born and raised in the suburbs on Montreal on a steady diet of 80’s music and movies, Sesame Street, Saturday morning cartoons, video games, American comics and french European “Bande-Dessinées”.
François Champagnes Limoges – Montreal
I have a very wide range of interest and eclectic tastes and influences.

I started to draw at a very young age and for as long as I can remember, I have always drawn. My mother painted as a hobby and I was always surrounded by art, an interest which I also shared with my brother, who’s a very talented artist in his own right and a great source of inspiration.
I followed art classes in high school and college, and I graduated in architecture. In high school I was introduced and encouraged by my late art teacher to try many different types of media. He gave me lots of liberty to explore and he had a profound influence on me. I also took interest and followed courses in sculpture, stop-motion animation and comic book illustration.