Code of Conduct

We are committed to bringing the highest standards of business ethics to everything we do. This responsibility is crucial to all the people who depend on Fabici: our employees, our customers, our partners and our suppliers


1.0 Code of Conduct with Colleagues:
Employees are expected to behave in a manner that provides a pleasant working atmosphere for all. Fabici supports the Equality Rights of the Canadian Charter of Rights and in that regard, expects every employee to demonstrate respect for their colleagues, in a way that prohibits discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability. If you witness any incident, we strongly encourage you to advise your manager immediately.


1.1 Code of Conduct with Customers:
We regard our customers as partners and the lifeblood of our company. We therefore must exercise judgment and care in all of our interactions to maintain the bond of trust:
– Demonstrate integrity and honesty in all interactions;
– Be cooperative and fair in finding solutions;
– Always aim to provide improvements that will present value to our customers.


1.2 Confidentiality:
Employees must preserve and protect the confidentiality of information entrusted to them by the Company and its customers, except when disclosing information is approved or legally mandated. Confidential information encompasses proprietary information which is not in the public domain that could be of use to competitors, or that could harm the Company, its employees, its customers or suppliers if disclosed.